A Gentle Guide to the Grammar of Graphics with ggplot2💯
What is this?
Slides and code from workshop by Garrick. This presentation was part of a 5 day Workshop on data analysis using R by the American Statistical Association, University of South Florida Chapter (for this workshop links visit the learning R page.
- Link to slides here:
- Link to code here:
A ggplot2 grammar guide💯
Added Mon Sep 14th, 2020
What is this?
This guide isn’t comprehensive, and it will likely continue to evolve. But it’s at a place that it might be useful to orient you, a colleague, or a student to ggplot2 and extensions.
- Link to site here:
A ggplot2 Tutorial for Beautiful Plotting in R💯
By Cédric
Added Mon Sep 14th, 2020.
What is this?
Wonderful introductory tutorial to ggplot2 and the wonderful things you could do with it.
Adding Sparklines to gt Tables
By R for the Rest of Us
Added Thu Feb 20, 2025
What is this?
This tutorial shows how to add sparklines—small line charts—to gt tables in R using the gtExtras package, making tables more visually informative.
Link to tutorial:
Link to video here:
Align the assignment operators within a highlighted area
What is this?
Technically not a visualization resource but once you use it on your script, it is so pleasant to look at (at least for me).
- Link to animations here:
Alternatives to Simple Color Legends in ggplot2
By Meghan Hall
Added Sat Dec 12th, 2021
What is this?
Excerpt from post: Legends, or the way aesthetic values are mapped to data, are an essential part of plots, and this post introduces a few different options for labeling colors effectively.
- Link to post here:
An Introduction to Hierarchical Modeling
What is this?
This project was built by Michael Freeman, a faculty member at the University of Washington Information School.
- All code for this project is on GitHub here:
Advanced data visualization with R and ggplot2 a practical
By Yan Holtz
What is this?
Excerpt from site: It allows to go further with ggplot2: annotation, theme customization, color palette, output formats, scales, and more.
An introduction to cowplot
By Meghan Hall
Added Sat Dec 11, 2021
What is this?
Excerpt from site: “This week’s #TidyTuesday data set is all about lemurs (with data from the Duke Lemur Center), so I figured I would stick with the animal theme and discuss a few functions from Claus Wilke’s cowplot package, which is my personal favorite package for arranging plots made in R”.
- Post and course here:
Astonishingly easy mapping in R with mapview
Added Mon Apr 24, 2023
What is this?
Excerpt from site: TCreate interactive maps of GIS data with tooltips, hover text, and legends in one short and simple line of code. Plus get extras like side-by-side sliders and multiple maps in sync.
Basic usage of tidycensus–a vignette
What is this?
Excerpt from vignette: There are two major functions implemented in tidycensus: get_decennial, which grants access to the 1990, 2000, and 2010 decennial US Census APIs, and get_acs, which grants access to the 5-year American Community Survey APIs.
- Link to vignette here:
Calendar plot in R using ggplot2
What is this?
Excerpt from site: The calendR package allows creating fully customizable ggplot2 calendar plots with a single function. In addition, the package provides arguments to create heatmap calendars. In this tutorial you will learn how to create ready to print yearly and monthly calendar plots in R.
- Link to blog here:
- Link to package here:
By Claire D. McWhite & Claus O. Wilke
What is this?
Simulate colorblindness in production-ready R figures. 💯
- Link to repo here:
- Link to the simulator:
What is this?
Deciding if a color palette is a colorblind-friendly is a hard task. This cannot be done in an entirely automatic fashion, as the decision needs to be confirmed by visual judgments. The goal of colorblindcheck is to provide tools to decide if the selected color palette is colorblind-friendly.
- Link to repo:
corrmorant: Flexible Correlation Matrices Based on ggplot2
Added Jun 6th, 2021
What is this?
Excerpt from site: corrmorant extends ggplot2 by an automated framework for plots of correlation matrices that can be easily modified via regular ggplot2 syntax. In addition, it provides a large set of visualization tools for exploratory data analysis based on correlation matrices.
- Link to package here:
Crazy graphs
What is this?
Awesome crazy graph!!
- Link to site here:
Create a ggalluvial plot in R
Added Sun May 28th, 2023
What is this?
Excerpt from blog: A ggalluvial plot, also known as an alluvial diagram, is a type of visualization used to show how categorical data is distributed among different groups. It is particularly useful for visualizing how categorical variables are related to each other across different levels of a grouping variable.
- Link to blog here:
Create stylish tables in R using formattable
By Laura Ellis
What is this?
Blog that uses formattable to crate pretty tables.
- Link to blog here:
- Link to repo here:
Crime Mapping in R
By Juanjo Medina & Reka Solymosi
What is this?
Excerpt from site: This workbook contains the lab materials and homework assignments for an introduction to crime mapping course designed for LAWS31152 and 60142 Crime Mapping, an optional module open to 3rd year undergraduates on the BA Criminology programme as well as postgraduates on the MA and MRes Criminology programmes at the University of Manchester.
- Link to web-book here:
Dark ggtheme: Publication-Ready Themes and Color Palettes for ggplot2 💯
By Koundy
Added Thu Feb 20, 2025
What is this?
The ggplot_theme_Publication repository offers three custom themes and new color palettes for ggplot2, aiming to create clean and simple graphics suitable for publication. These themes address common aesthetic concerns such as plot background, title and axis label fonts and sizes, axis appearance, tick marks, colors, and legend positioning. By applying these themes, users can enhance the visual appeal and readability of their plots, making them more suitable for inclusion in academic and professional publications.
- Link to repository here:
Data Visualization: A practical introduction
By Kieran Healy
What is this?
Excerpt from site: This book is a hands-on introduction to the principles and practice of looking at and presenting data using R and ggplot. R is a powerful, widely used, and freely available programming language for data analysis. You may be interested in exploring ggplot after having used R before, or be entirely new to both R and ggplot and just want to graph your data. I do not assume you have any prior knowledge of R.
- Free web-book here:
- Buy book here: Link to Amazon
Data Visualization course
By Andrew Heiss
What is this?
Excerpt from site: In this class, you’ll learn how to use industry-standard graphic and data design techniques to create beautiful, understandable visualizations and uncover truth in data.
By the end of this course, you will become (1) literate in data and graphic design principles, and (2) an ethical data communicator, by producing beautiful, powerful, and clear visualizations of your own data.
- E-course here:
Data Visualization for Educational Data Science💯
Added Thu Dec 31st, 2020
What is this?
Welcome to the second course in the Educational Data Science Specialization taught at the University of Oregon through the College of Education. This course will be taught through R, a free and open-source statistical computing environment, and will provide students with the foundational principles and practice of data visualization, particularly as applied to scientific and technical data. We will have weekly lectures, covering a wide variety of topics including human perception, color theory, and principles of visual design. We will also cover mediums for communication across diverse audiences with an emphasis on different web applications. Weekly hands-on laboratory sessions provide students the opportunity to put the lecture material into practice.
- Link to site here:
- Link to repo here:
Data visualisation using R, for researchers who don’t use R💯
Added Fri Feb 18th, 2022
What is this?
Excerpt from site: In this tutorial, we provide a practical introduction to data visualisation using R, specifically aimed at researchers who have little to no prior experience of using R. First we detail the rationale for using R for data visualisation and introduce the “grammar of graphics” that underlies data visualisation using the ggplot2 package. The tutorial then walks the reader through how to replicate plots that are commonly available in point-and-click software such as histograms and boxplots, as well as showing how the code for these “basic” plots can be easily extended to less commonly available options such as violin-boxplots.
- Link to site here:
- Link to dataset here:
- Link to published manuscript here:
Designing ggplots making clear figures that communicate
What is this?
Wonderful slides to make your figures and visualization much clear and communicative. I visit it quite often.
- Slides here:
Drawing Anything with ggplot
Added Thursday Nov 5, 2020
What is this?
Excerpt from repo: This repository collects material for a ~4 hour workshop first taught at celebRation2020 in Copenhagen.
- Link to repo here:
- Link to youtube video Part1:
- Link to youtube video Part2:
Educational Apps for ggplot2
Added Mon Apr 24th, 2023
What is this?
Excerpt from site: A list of educational apps that make it easy to create data visualizations in ggplot2.
- Link to all apps here:
- Link to Aesthetics finder here:
- Link to Scales finder here:
- Link to Theme finder:
Elevation Maps in R
By Dr. U
Added Thu Feb 20, 2025
What is this?
This comprehensive tutorial demonstrates how to create aesthetically pleasing and informative elevation maps in R using ground elevation data. The author guides readers through the process of obtaining elevation data, processing it, and visualizing it using various R packages.
The tutorial provides detailed code snippets and explanations, making it accessible for users aiming to enhance their geospatial data visualization skills in R.
- Link to tutorial here:
esquisse add-in
Added Feb 2nd, 2022
What is this?
Excerpt from site: This addin allows you to interactively explore your data by visualizing it with the ggplot2 package. It allows you to draw bar plots, curves, scatter plots, histograms, boxplot and sf objects, then export the graph or retrieve the code to reproduce the graph.
See online documentation:
- Link to package here:
First steps in spatial handling and visualization
By Sébastien Rochette, Dorris Scott, & Jakub Nowosad
What is this?
Excerpt from tutorial: The tutorial is designed for R users from a variety of fields who are interested in working with spatial data and creating maps with R. No knowledge of cartography is required. Prior knowledge of (non-spatial) graphic making and data handling with the {tidyverse} in R is recommended.
- Link to tutorial video here:
- Link to github repo here:
Friends Don’t Let Friends Make Bad Graphs 💯
By Chenxin Li, Ph.D.
Added Thu Feb 20, 2025
What is this?
This repository offers an opinionated essay on effective and ineffective data visualization practices. Authored by Dr. Chenxin Li, it provides examples and explanations of common pitfalls in data visualization, such as using bar plots for mean separation or inappropriate color scales. The repository includes R Markdown scripts to reproduce the discussed visualizations, serving as a practical guide for creating accurate and insightful data representations.
- Link to repository here:
Geocomputation with R
By Robin Lovelace, Jakub Nowosad, Jannes Muenchow
What is this?
Excerpt from ebook: This book is about using the power of computers to do things with geographic data. It teaches a range of spatial skills, including: reading, writing and manipulating geographic data; making static and interactive maps; applying geocomputation to solve real-world problems; and modeling geographic phenomena.
I added this one here because it is a nice resource to make map but it teaches way more than that :)
- Link to free ebook:
- You can buy the book from CRC Press,Wordery, or Amazon.
ggeasy 💯
What is this?
This package makes using ggplot2 way much easier. Check it out.
- Link to package’s site here:
Added Sat Dec 11th, 2021
What is this?
Excerpt from site: “The existing text-based geom layers in ggplot2 (geom_text and geom_label) are ideal for the majority of plots, since typically textual annotations are short, straight and in line with the axes of the plot. However, there are some occasions when it is useful to have text follow a curved path. This may be to create or recreate a specific visual effect, or it may be to label a circular / polar plot in a more”natural” way.”
- Link to package’s site here:
ggplot_tricks: A Collection of ggplot2 Tips 💯
By Teun van den Brand
Added Thu Feb 20, 2025
What is this?
ggplot_tricks is a repository that compiles various tips and techniques for enhancing data visualizations using ggplot2 in R. It covers topics such as splicing aesthetics, creating half-geoms, setting midpoints in diverging scales, labeling points, and recycling plots. Here is a list of them to this date:
- Splicing aesthetics
- Half-geoms
- Midpoints in diverging scales
- Labels as text
(Outdated)Facetted tags
- Recycling plots
- Link to repository:
ggplot Wizardry: My Favorite Tricks and Secrets for Beautiful Plots in R
What is this?
Excerpt from site: In this talk, I present my favorite tips and tricks with regard to the ggplot2 package, a library for plotting in the programming language R. I will cover functions that are helpful but many may not be aware of as well as a collection of interesting functions from a large range of extension packages. The talk is intended for people who already know how to code in R and ggplot2. However, I am going to cover a diverse collection of tips so I hope everyone can pick something helpful independent from their level of expertise.
- Link to repo is here:
- Link to Slides here:
- Link to Recording here:
- Link to Tutorial here:
- Link to Codes here:
- Link to Extended Slides here:
ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis💯 💯
What is this?
Excerpt from site: This is the online version of work-in-progress 3rd edition of “ggplot2: elegant graphics for data analysis”
- Web-book link here:
Added Mon Apr 24th, 2023
What is this?
Excerpt from site: This webpage provides you with a step by step guide on how to make them. Each plot is explained in detail and allows you to create the data visualizations that you would like to design.
- Link to site here:
ggreveal: Incremental ggplot2 Presentations 💯
By Weverthon Machado
Added Thu Feb 20, 2025
What is this?
ggreveal is an R package that enables the incremental presentation of ggplot2 graphs. It allows users to break down a plot into a series of intermediary plots, which can be displayed sequentially, making it particularly useful for teaching and presentations. The package offers functions such as reveal_groups()
, reveal_layers()
, and reveal_aes()
to incrementally reveal different aspects of a plot.
- Link to package:
ggsignif: Significance Brackets for ‘ggplot2’
Added Sat Dec 12th, 2021
What is this?
Excerpt from site: “This package provides an easy way to indicate if two groups are significantly different. Commonly this is shown by a bar on top connecting the groups of interest which itself is annotated with the level of significance (NS, , , ). The package provides a single layer (geom_signif) that takes the groups for comparison and the test (t.test, wilcox etc.) and adds the annotation to the plot”.
- Link to package and Github repo here:
Added Sun June 6th, 2021
What is this? Excerpt from site: Plot a combination matrix instead of the standard x-axis and create UpSet plots with ggplot2.
- Link to site here:
How to Create Diamond Plots in R 💯
By Owen Phillips
Added Thu Feb 20, 2025
What is this?
This tutorial provides a comprehensive guide on creating diamond plots in R, a visualization technique that emphasizes confidence intervals over point estimates. Diamond plots are particularly useful in meta-analyses and comparative studies, as they focus on the precision of estimates rather than just the estimates themselves. The guide walks through the process of constructing diamond plots using the ufs package, detailing functions like meansDiamondPlot()
and diamondPlot()
. It includes practical examples and code snippets, making it accessible for users aiming to enhance their data visualization skills in R.
- Link to tutorial here:
How to Fill Maps with Density Gradients Using R, ggplot2, and sf
By Andrew Heiss
Added Thu Feb 20, 2025
What is this?
This tutorial addresses the challenge of overplotting in maps with numerous data points. It explores methods to visualize point density by:
Aggregating data within geographic boundaries.
Creating grids to summarize point counts.
Applying density gradients for smoother visual representation.
The guide provides practical examples using R packages ggplot2 and sf.
- Link to tutorial:
How to Increase Legend Key Size in ggplot2
By datavizpyr
Added Fri Apr 14th, 2023
What is this?
Excerpt from article: In this tutorial, we will learn how to increase the color legend’s point (or legend key) size in ggplot2. Often when you make a plot with multiple groups and large number of data points, the legend key for the color variable are small and can be not legible in the plot.
Here we will see examples of increasing the point size of the legend in a scatter plot using guides() function in ggplot2.
- Link to article here:
How to Make a Diverging Bar Chart in R 💯
By R for the Rest of Us
Added Thu Feb 20, 2025
What is this?
This tutorial demonstrates how to create diverging bar charts in R using the ggplot2
package. Diverging bar charts are effective for displaying Likert scale data or any dataset with a central neutral point, as they visualize deviations in both directions from a midpoint. The article provides step-by-step instructions, including data preparation, plotting, and customization techniques to enhance the clarity and aesthetics of the chart.
- Link to tutorial here:
How to pick more beautiful colors for your data visualizations💯 💯
What is this?
Excerpt from blog: Choosing good colors for your charts is hard. This article tries to make it easier.
I want you to feel more confident in your color choices. And if you have no sense for colors at all, here’s my attempt to help you find good ones anyway. We’ll talk about common color mistakes I see out there in the wild, and how to avoid them.
This is not the right article for you if you’re trying to find good gradients or shades. But if you need to find beautiful, distinctive colors for different categories (e.g. continents, industries, bird species) for your line charts, pie charts, stacked bar charts, etc., read on.
- Link to blog here:
How to R: Visualizing Distributions
By Nick Martin
Added Mon May 29th, 2023
What is this?
Excerpt from blog: Distributions are a very important thing to understand during any EDA process. In this article we will look into multiple different ways to visualize distributions and how to create those visuals in R.
How to visualize models Part 1 | multiple linear models, all assumptions & post-hocs💯
Added Thu Dec 31st, 2020
What is this?
Excerpt from video description: In this video, we’ll visualize in RStudio the results and coefficients of:
- simple linear models with categorical predictor
- simple linear models with numeric predictor
- multiple linear models with numeric and categorical predictors &
- multiple linear models with interactions
- Link to video demo here:
Images as Facet Labels in ggplot2
By Dr. U
Added Thu Feb 20, 2025
What is this?
This article explores how to replace facet labels in ggplot2 with images, such as country flags, to create more informative and visually appealing plots. The author provides a step-by-step guide on obtaining image data, integrating it with existing datasets, and utilizing the ggtext and ggh4x packages to display images as facet labels. This technique enhances the interpretability of faceted plots by incorporating visual cues directly into the plot structure.
- Link to article here:
Image sizes in an R markdown document
Added Fri Apr 23rd, 2021
What is this?
Excerpt from site: This is part four of our four-part series
Part 1: Specifying the correct figure dimension in {knitr} (this post).
Part 2: What image format should you use for graphics.
Part 3: Including external graphics in your document.
Part 4: Setting default {knitr} options.
- Link to site here:
Improving ggplots with Text Color
By Eric Ekholm
Added Sun Jun 6th, 2021
What is this?
Excerpt from site: instead of having a legend off to the right or the bottom or wherever it is you typically place your legends, I’ve changed the font color of the words “Pass” and “Fail” in the title to contain this same information. We can do this using Claus Wilke’s invaluable {ggtext} package, which provides improved rendering for ggplot2.
- Link to article here:
Interactive web-based data visualization with R, plotly, and shiny
Added Mon Sep 14th, 2020
What is this?
This is the website for “Interactive web-based data visualization with R, plotly, and shiny”. In this book, you’ll gain insight and practical skills for creating interactive and dynamic web graphics for data analysis from R. It makes heavy use of plotly for rendering graphics, but you’ll also learn about other R packages that augment a data science workflow, such as the tidyverse and shiny.
- Link to ebook here:
Introduction to Dataviz in R UKCLC Pre-Conference Workshop
What is this?
During the UKCLC 2020 Dr. Lauren Ackerman gave a preconference workshop on data visualization using R.
- Link to rmd material here:
Introduction to Geospatial Visualization with R-R-Ladies Abuja + Abuja R Users
By Rami Krispin
Added Sun Dec 12, 2021
What is this?
Excerpt from site: Introduction to spatial data - Working with sf objects - Plot sf objects with mapview, tmap, and ggplot2 - Create choropleth maps
- Link to github repo. andcode here:
- Link to slides here:
Introducing {ggflowchart}
Added Mon May 29, 2023
What is this?
Excerpt from site: Flowcharts can be a useful way to visualise complex processes, and the new R package {ggflowchart} makes them easy to create in R. This blog post shows you how. Back in April 2022, I participated in the #30DayChartChallenge and for the Storytelling prompt on day 29 in the Uncertainty category, I created the Goldilocks Decision Tree. I also gave a talk to R-Ladies Nairobi on the challenge and used the flowchart as a live-coding example. A summary of the talk ended up as a blog post.
- Link to blog here:
Introduction to rbokeh–a vignette
What is this?
Excerpt from vignette: Bokeh is a visualization library that provides a flexible and powerful declarative framework for creating web-based plots. Bokeh renders plots using HTML canvas and provides many mechanisms for interactivity. Bokeh has interfaces in Python, Scala, Julia, and now R. The Bokeh library is written and maintained by the Bokeh Core Team consisting of several members of Continuum Analytics and other members of the open source community. The rbokeh package is written and maintained by Ryan Hafen (@hafenstats) with several contributions from others.
- Link to blog here:
Introduction to Tableau
By Meghan Hall
Added Dec 11, 2021
What is this?
Excerpt from blog: “A bunch of people have been asking me for some kind of Tableau tutorial, so I’m experimenting with a screencast video on YouTube! The video should be embedded below and is also available here.”
- Link to blog here:
- Link to video here:
Leaflet for R–a vignette
What is this?
Excerpt from vignette: Leaflet is one of the most popular open-source JavaScript libraries for interactive maps. It’s used by websites ranging from The New York Times and The Washington Post to GitHub and Flickr, as well as GIS specialists like OpenStreetMap, Mapbox, and CartoDB. This R package makes it easy to integrate and control Leaflet maps in R.
- Link to vignette here:
legendry: Enhancing ggplot2 Guides
By Teun van den Brand
Added Thu Feb 20, 2025
What is this?
The legendry package extends ggplot2 by introducing new guide functions, enabling more flexible and customizable legends and axes. It allows for stacked and composite guides, improving the clarity of visualizations.
- Link to package announcement:
Making a Custom Arrowhead for ggplot2 Using ggarrow and arrowheadr
By W. Joel Schneider
Added Thu Feb 20, 2025
What is this?
This blog post explores the creation of custom arrowheads in ggplot2 using the ggarrow and arrowheadr packages. It provides detailed instructions on designing and implementing custom arrowheads to enhance the clarity and aesthetics of ggplot2 visualizations.
Making Flipbooks
What is this?
Intro to what Flipbooks are and how to make them in R.
- Link to website:
Maze Generator Built in R
By Matheus Ferreira
Added Thu Feb 20, 2025
What is this?
This repository features an R-based maze generator that employs a random walk algorithm to create mazes of customizable sizes. It offers visualization capabilities for both static mazes and animated generation processes, allowing users to observe the maze construction step by step. The project includes functions to adjust wall thickness, path appearance, and options to display node numbers and path progression. Additionally, it provides export features for both static images and animated mazes.
- Link to repository here:
MetBrewer Palettes
Added Fri Feb 18, 2022
What is this?
Excerpt from site: “Palettes inspired by works at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. All pieces selected come from various time periods, regions, and mediums. Let me know if you have any requests for a particular piece.
Structure of the package was based on coding from the PNWColors and wesanderson packages. Inspired by the package RColorBrewer from the work of Cynthia Brewer.”
- Link to repo here:
Modify components of a theme
What is this?
Excerpt from site: Themes are a powerful way to customize the non-data components of your plots: i.e. titles, labels, fonts, background, gridlines, and legends. Themes can be used to give plots a consistent customized look. Modify a single plot’s theme using theme(); see theme_update() if you want modify the active theme, to affect all subsequent plots. Use the themes available in complete themes if you would like to use a complete theme such as theme_bw(), theme_minimal(), and more.
- Link to site here:
My first interactive map with {leaflet}
Added Sun Dec 12, 2021
What is this?
Excerpt from site: “In this post, I will try to create an interactive map using leaflet package in R.”
- Link to site here:
OKLCH-Smooth: A Smooth, Full Spectrum sRGB Colour Palette for Data Visualisation 💯
By Stephen Hutchings
Added Thu Feb 20, 2025
What is this?
OKLCH-Smooth is a meticulously designed sRGB color palette tailored for data visualization. It encompasses 16 hues, each with nine shades, along with a set of neutral greys, totaling 153 colors. The palette ensures smooth transitions across the OKLCH color model components, making it ideal for visualizing complex datasets with multiple dimensions. Its structured approach to color selection aids in creating clear and aesthetically pleasing visual representations of data.
- Link to palette here:
Parameterising a Multi-Part Plot 💯
By Cara Thompson and R for the Rest of Us
Added Thu Feb 20, 2025
What is this?
This blog post by Cara Thompson demonstrates how to create parameterized plots in R to avoid repetitive code, especially when generating multiple variants of interactive graphs. Using the ggplot2
package and the palmerpenguins
dataset, the tutorial guides readers through:
Setting up a custom theme and color palette.
Transforming plotting code into a function that accepts arguments for flexibility.
Incorporating conditional statements within the function to adjust plot elements based on input parameters.
Implementing safety checks to handle potential errors and ensure consistent axis limits.
The approach emphasizes efficient coding practices, reducing redundancy, and enhancing the adaptability of plots to different datasets or groups.
- Link to article here:
Penn MUSA Masterclass: 3D Mapping and Visualization with R
By Rayshader & Tyler Morgan-Wall
What is this?
Tutorial to create 3d maps using R.
- Link to repo here:
Plotly R Open Source Graphing Library 💯
What is this?
Excerpt from the site: Plotly’s R graphing library makes interactive, publication-quality graphs. Examples of how to make line plots, scatter plots, area charts, bar charts, error bars, box plots, histograms, heatmaps, subplots, multiple-axes, and 3D (WebGL based) charts. Plotly.R is free and open source and you can view the source, report issues or contribute on GitHub.
- Link to site:
Plotting ‘timeSeries’ Objects
By Diethelm Wurtz and Tobias Setz
What it is this
Excerpt from vignette: The Rmetrics timeDate and timeSeries packages are workhorses to deal with chronological objects.
Principles & Practice of Data Visualization
By Alison Hill
What is this?
Excerpt from site: This is the site for sharing our Data Visualization Labs for CS631 at Oregon Health & Science University. It has exercises and solutions! 💯
- Link to the workshop here:
R Graphics Cookbook, 2nd edition
What is this?
Excerpt from ebook: a practical guide that provides more than 150 recipes to help you generate high-quality graphs quickly, without having to comb through all the details of R’s graphing systems. Each recipe tackles a specific problem with a solution you can apply to your own project, and includes a discussion of how and why the recipe works.
- Link to free ebook here:
- Link to buy it: Amazon link
R Graphics with ggplot2 Workshop notes
Added Mon Sep 14th, 2020
What is this?
Workshop listed in Harvard’s resources. Materials can be downloaded.
- Link to workshop notes:
- Link to download materials here:
R you ready to make charts?
By Will Chase
Added Mon Sep 14th, 2020
What is this? Slides from Talk given by Will Chase at a Philly dataviz meetup on May 29th, 2019.
- Link to slides:
Raincloud vignette 💯💯💯
Added Fri Apr 14th, 2023
What is this?
Excerpt from article: Here we describe a data visualization approach which overcomes these issues, providing maximal statistical information while preserving the desired ‘inference at a glance’ nature of barplots and other similar visualization devices. These “raincloud plots” can visualize raw data, probability density, and key summary statistics such as median, mean, and relevant confidence intervals in an appealing and flexible format with minimal redundancy. In this tutorial paper, we provide basic demonstrations of the strength of raincloud plots and similar approaches, outline potential modifications for their optimal use, and provide open-source code for their streamlined implementation in R, Python and Matlab (
- Link to vignette:
- Link to article:
Resizing plots
What is this?
How to resize plots in R markdown
Schilling Data Studio
Added Sun April 30th, 2023
What is this?
Excerpt from the channel: From data dread to impactful insights - data visualization tutorials for clearly communicating data.
Welcome to Schilling Data Studio! We’re here to support your data visualization needs. If you feel overwhelmed by data or don’t know how to create fabulous, impactful data visualizations, you’re in the right place. Our video tutorials and quick tips will help you enhance your data visualizations so you can provide clear insights and make an impact with your data!
- Link to YouTube channel:
The Evolution of a ggplot (Ep. 1)
By Cédric
What is this?
Excerpt from the blog: In this series of blog posts, I aim to show you how to turn a default ggplot into a plot that visualizes information in an appealing and easily understandable way. The goal of each blog post is to provide a step-by-step tutorial explaining how my visualization have evolved from a typical basic ggplot. All plots are going to be created with 100% {ggplot2} and 0% Inkscape.
The grobblR package to make graph for PDF docs
What is this?
Excerpt from The grobblR package allows R users the ability to intuitively create flexible, reproducible PDF reports comprised of aesthetically pleasing tables, images, plots and/or text. This is done by implementing grobs from the grid and gridExtra packages.
- Link to repo:
The magick package: Advanced Image-Processing in R
What is this?
Excerpt from Vignette: The new magick package is an ambitious effort to modernize and simplify high-quality image processing in R. It wraps the ImageMagick STL which is perhaps the most comprehensive open-source image processing library available today.
- Link to vignette here:
Teaching material: Data analytics and visualization
By Yan Holtz
What is this?
Wonderful site to give you and intro to ggplot and even github! Check it out!!!
- Website here:
The R Graph Gallery
Added Sep 14th, 2020
What is this?
R graph gallery, a collection of charts made with the R programming language. Hundreds of charts are displayed in several sections, always with their reproducible code available. The gallery makes a focus on the tidyverse and ggplot2. Feel free to suggest a chart or report a bug; any feedback is highly welcome.
- Link to gallery here:
- Link to twitter here:
- Link to repo here:
TidyX YouTube channel hosted
By Ellis Hughes & Patrick Ward
What is this?
Excerpt from channel: TidyX is a screen cast where we select a person’s code from the TidyTuesday project and go through their code line-by-line, explaining what they did and how the functions they used work. We also break down the visualizations they create and talk about how to apply similar approaches to other data sets. The objective is to help more people learn R and get involved in the TidyTuesday community.
- Link to YouTube channel here:
Visualization innovations: Waffleplots and Swarmplots
What is this?
Fun blog about how to make Waffleplots and swarmplots.
- Link to blog here:
Visualize Spatial Data using ‘roughjs’
By David Schoch
Added Fri April 28th, 2023
What is this?
Excerpt from Package: Draw maps using the ‘javascript’ library ‘roughjs’. This allows to draw sketchy, handdrawn-like maps.
- Link to blog here:
Where are the 4+-Car Households?
By Harald Kliems
Added Thu Feb 20, 2025
What is this?
This article explores the distribution of households in the United States that own four or more vehicles. Utilizing data from the American Community Survey, the author presents maps and analyses to identify regions with high concentrations of such households. The study provides insights into transportation patterns, urban planning, and the socio-economic factors influencing vehicle ownership across different areas. This is great for visualization examples (code is within the blog).
- Link to article here:
Visualizing Spatial Data
What is this?
Here is a list of resources to create visualizations with maps
Videos for data visualization
By Sharon Machlis
What is this?
Here is a list of video tutorial by Sharon by categories:
PNWColors: A Pacific Northwest inspired R color palette package 💯
NatParksPalettes: is comprised of 30 color palettes, including 12 colorblind-friendly palettes, based on photos of national parks from around the world. Compatible with {ggplot2} in R and QGIS.
nationalparkcolors: The goal of nationalparkcolors is to provide an interface to the beautiful colors in National Park posters and images. The posters are a mix of the WPA originals and more modern remakes.
OKLCH-Smooth: A Smooth, Full Spectrum sRGB Colour Palette for Data Visualisation: is a meticulously designed sRGB color palette tailored for data visualization. It encompasses 16 hues, each with nine shades, along with a set of neutral greys, totaling 153 colors. The palette ensures smooth transitions across the OKLCH color model components, making it ideal for visualizing complex datasets with multiple dimensions. Its structured approach to color selection aids in creating clear and aesthetically pleasing visual representations of data.