Data Science
Courses & Tutorials Only
Data Science for Economists Seminar
By Grant McDermott at the University of Oregon
What is this?
Excerpt from site: This is a graduate economics seminar taught by Grant McDermott at the University of Oregon.
Please read the syllabus before you go through any of the lectures. This will detail software requirements and installation, and give you a better sense of the aims and scope of the course. I also have an “FAQ” section at the end that covers frequently asked questions (or, at least, potentially asked questions). Speaking of which, here follow answers to some questions that are more specifically related to this repo.
- Link to lectures repo:
Data Science for Psychologists: A Refreshed Exploratory & Graphical Data Analysis in R
Added Fri Apr 28th, 2023
What is this?
Excerpt from site: This website is designed to accompany Mason Garrison’s Data Science for Psychologists (DS4P). DS4P is a graduate-level quantitative methods course at Wake Forest University. This class assumes zero knowledge of programming, computer science, linear algebra, probability, or really anything fancy. I encourage anyone who is quant-curious to work their way through these course notes. The course notes include lectures, worked examples, readings, activities, and labs.
- Link to website:
Data Science in a Box
What is it?
Excerpt from site: The core content of the course focuses on data acquisition and wrangling, exploratory data analysis, data visualization, inference, modelling, and effective communication of results. Time permitting, the course also introduces additional concepts and tools like interactive visualization and reporting, text analysis, and Bayesian inference.
- Link to site:
- Link to repo:
Data Science with R
What is this?
Data Science course by the wonderful Danielle Navarro.
- Link to e-course here:
Data Skill for Reproducible science
What is it?
Excerpt from site: This course provides an overview of skills needed for reproducible research and open science using the statistical programming language R. Students will learn about data visualisation, data tidying and wrangling, archiving, iteration and functions, probability and data simulations, general linear models, and reproducible workflows. Learning is reinforced through weekly assignments that involve working with different types of data.
- Course here:
Data Wrangling in the Tidyverse
Date added Fri AprMay 5th, 2023
What is this?
Excerpt from the site: This video series covers the basics of data wrangling using the tidyverse, aimed at my data communications class. I assume some very, very basic R background, but really not much.
This is a simplified and adapted version of my data wrangling workshops, which are available in full on my channel for tidyverse (R), data.table (R), and pandas (Python).
- Link to videos are here:
- Slides to follow along with the videos are here:…
- Code instructor works on in the videos can be found here:…
How to Name Files
By Jenny Bryan
Added Thu Feb 20, 2025
What is this?
This repository offers practical advice on creating effective filenames that are both machine-readable and human-readable, while also ensuring proper default ordering. The guidance emphasizes the importance of consistent and descriptive naming conventions to enhance file organization and accessibility. Resources include slides from a lightning talk presented at NormConf on December 15, 2022, available in PDF format within the repository. Additionally, a pre-recorded video of the talk is accessible, providing further insights into best practices for naming files.
Link to repository:
Link to video:
Introduction to Data Science Fall 2019
What is this
Excerpt from site: Gain experience in data collection, wrangling, and visualization, exploratory data analysis, predictive modeling, and effective communication of results while working on problems and case studies inspired by and based on real-world questions. The course will focus on the R statistical computing language.
- Link to e-course here:
Reproducible Data Science in R: Iterate, Don’t Duplicate
By Anthony Martinez
Added Thu Feb 20, 2025
What is this?
This article, part of the “Reproducible Data Science with R” series, emphasizes the importance of iteration over code duplication in R programming. It introduces the purrr::map_*()
family of functions, which help avoid repetitive code by programmatically applying operations over data structures. The tutorial covers:
Drawbacks of Code Duplication: Highlighting errors and maintenance challenges associated with copying and pasting code.
Introduction to For Loops: Discussing basic iteration techniques in R.
Mapping with
: Demonstrating how to usepurrr
’s mapping functions for efficient and readable code.
The article provides practical examples, particularly using the dataRetrieval
package to fetch and process water data, showcasing how iteration enhances code efficiency and reproducibility.
- Link to article here:
Reproducible Data Science in R: Flexible Functions Using Tidy Evaluation
By Elise Hinman
Added Thu Feb 20, 2025
What is this?
This article addresses the challenges of writing flexible data-wrangling functions in R’s tidyverse ecosystem. It introduces tidy evaluation techniques, such as data masking and tidy selection, to enhance function flexibility. The tutorial provides practical examples to help R programmers create adaptable and efficient functions.
- Link to article here:
Reproducible Data Science in R: Writing Better Functions
By Anthony Martinez and Elise Hinman
Added Thu Feb 20, 2025
What is this?
This article explores best practices for writing clear and efficient functions in R. It covers function names, arguments, return values, and documentation, using examples from the dataRetrieval
package to improve code structure and reusability.
- Link to article here:
Reproducible science workshop: A one-day workshop with R and RStudio
Added Fri Oct 8th, 2021
What is this
One day Workshop that includes the following topics: Motivations, Manipulating data in the tidyverse, Visualising data in the tidyverse, Writing dynamic and reproducible documents with R Markdown, Versioning with Git and GitHub in RStudio, and Take-home messages.
- Link to materials and videos here: