R Markdown
Blogs & Slides Only
An introduction to R-Markdown
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Slides giving an introduction to R-Markdown
- Link to slides: https://apreshill.github.io/rmd4cdc/#1
Extending R Markdown
By Meghan Hall
Added Sat Dec, 11, 2021
What is it?
Excerpt from site: “R Markdown is a powerful yet underutilized tool for a powerful yet underutilized component of data science—communicating your work. R Markdown works seamlessly with other analytic work in R and knowing the basics allows you to extend that knowledge into producing PDFs, slides, websites, and more”.
- Link to blog here: https://meghan.rbind.io/talk/rstudio/
- Link to slides here: https://meghan.rbind.io/slides/RStudio/Hall_RStudio_2021.html#1
- Link to video here: https://community.rstudio.com/t/recording-of-r-in-sports-analytics-rstudio-enterprise-community-meetup/107551
- Link to Github repo and code: https://github.com/meghall06/personal-website/blob/master/static/slides/RStudio/Hall_RStudio_2021.Rmd
How I Teach R Markdown 💯
By Alison Hill
What is it?
Excerpt from blog: So without further ado, here are some of my guiding principles when introducing R Markdown to beginners, for those who are ready to go beyond casual knitter:
Meta RMarkdown - Taxonomy and Use cases
By Thomas Mock
What is this?
Excerpt from blog: A meta collection of all things R Markdown. This post will focus on 4 core strategies of why R Markdown is SO useful and absolutely worth learning with links to external tactics/guides/write-ups of how to accomplish the various tasks.
Link to blog here: https://themockup.blog/posts/2020-07-25-meta-rmarkdown/
Link to slides here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vRo1eXJtiwo6aTA8KZ2E-bUbv2GOonC2RIVk_5eWQ5y-ADXbRamBhHaa3w1vMW6BkEPOMJ13ZahSo8Q/embed?start=false&loop=true&delayms=30000&slide=id.p
Link to slides in pdf here: https://github.com/jthomasmock/radix_themockup/blob/master/_posts/2020-07-25-meta-rmarkdown/rmd-slides.pdf
Using Word Reference Documents with RMarkdown to Create Custom Reports
By David Keyes
Added Thu Feb 20, 2025
What is this?
This tutorial demonstrates how to customize the appearance of Word documents generated from RMarkdown by utilizing reference documents. By creating a Word template with desired styles and specifying it in the RMarkdown YAML header, users can ensure consistent and personalized formatting in their reports.